Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Courage of One

The link above goes to a video of the story of a young girl whose life was let go because she chose to stand for the name of Jesus Christ as her way of life, even after being held at gunpoint. Her name is Rachel Scott and she lived her life to the fullest even as she left the earth at age seventeen. She was the first person killed of many that day of the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. She was a brave young lady and as her life sprung the curiosity of others, her death also continues to touch millions of lives as she believed she would, stating that very belief in secret on the back of her bedroom dresser when she was thirteen. Here family has a website for her called of Rachel's faith and more. I'm not the first to be moved by her story, nor the last. So I simply carry the message for others to hear of the courage one wished to impress upon millions!

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